Let me summarize this weekend for you:
I can't stand the rain. Oh it is miserably rainy here in NYC during this very busy week of mine-- priming and painting my new place in BushWACK Brooklyn, packing and moving to said new place, and getting ready for my immediate post-moving departure for a Big Louisiana Vacay where I will get to see my friends, family, and hot sunshine that I miss so dearly (it's been 8 months and my how I have grown!).
Oh and in my free time I do this thing where they pay me money to sell and clean and know about vintage things. It's sort of like a full time job but not nearly as awful because we have a nosh box filled with Reese's and Rolos.
So yeah, I've basically been wearing a duffel coat with a red 3/4 sleeve raincoat on top and getting sopping wet anyway. I did attempt to wear this out the other night. Well, I did wear it, but my attempt at meeting up with some friends didn't work out so well. I'm too tired and wet to have friends right now.

I can't stand the rain. Oh it is miserably rainy here in NYC during this very busy week of mine-- priming and painting my new place in BushWACK Brooklyn, packing and moving to said new place, and getting ready for my immediate post-moving departure for a Big Louisiana Vacay where I will get to see my friends, family, and hot sunshine that I miss so dearly (it's been 8 months and my how I have grown!).
Oh and in my free time I do this thing where they pay me money to sell and clean and know about vintage things. It's sort of like a full time job but not nearly as awful because we have a nosh box filled with Reese's and Rolos.
So yeah, I've basically been wearing a duffel coat with a red 3/4 sleeve raincoat on top and getting sopping wet anyway. I did attempt to wear this out the other night. Well, I did wear it, but my attempt at meeting up with some friends didn't work out so well. I'm too tired and wet to have friends right now.